Accidental Global Variable In JavaScript

Accidental Global Variables

Variables declared without any keyword (e.g. var, let, const ) are called Accidental global variables.

function fun(){
    college = "Axis Colleges"; //Accidental global variable

This type of variable becomes a member of the window object.

function fun(){
    college = "Axis Colleges"; //Accidental global variable
console.log( // Axis Colleges

Memory Leak

Creating variables like this leads to memory leaks. Since the scope of global variables never ends, they remain in memory throughout the execution of the javascript program even if they are not needed. that means the garbage collector never removes these variables from memory and it results in a memory leak.

Note: Garbage collector removes a variable or releases memory assigned to a variable when a variable scope ends.

How To Prevent This Memory Leak

Write your javascript code in strict mode to prevent this type of mistake. The strict mode was introduced in ECMAScript version 5. It enables you to write cleaner code and prevents you from writing less bug-prone code.

Activating Strict Mode

Strict mode is declared by adding "use strict"; to the begging of your code.

"use strict" is not a statement, it's an expression (to be precise it's just a string literal), therefore no browser will throw an error if it doesn't understand what it is.

"use strict" //Stric mode activated globally
college = "Axis Colleges" // This will cause an error

If we don't want to activate strict mode in the global scope, then we can also declare it inside the function, to activate strict mode only inside that particular function body.

function fun(){
    "use strict";
    college = "Axis College"; //This will cause an error
school = "SVM"; //This will not cause an error

Thank You For Reading! ♥

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