AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript And XML


1 min read

AJAX allows clients (e.g. browsers) to communicate with the remote web servers in an asynchronous way. With AJAX calls, we can request data from web servers dynamically.

AJAX allows client-side javascript to request and receive data from a server without refreshing the web page. This technique enables the developers to create an uninterrupted application, making only a portion of the page reload with the new data.

The term "AJAX" was initially coined by "Jesse James Garrett" in 2005.

Earlier there used to be communication between web servers and clients in XML format, that's why AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML ) term was used.

But today AJAX simply means to make requests and responses between web servers and clients without reloading the web page.

How To Make AJAX Requests

There are many ways to make an AJAX request, a few of them are mentioned below,

  1. XMLHttpRequest (old school method)

  2. Fetch API (Modern method: In-built in JavaScript)

  3. Axios (Modern method: Third-party package)

We will cover these methods one by one in our upcoming blogs.๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks for reading!โ™ฅ
